Sac points?

By kj888 at 2022-07-19 • 1 collector • 1645 pageviews

What does the sac points convert too?

4 Replies | Last update 2022-07-21
2022-07-20   #1

I would bet they turn into tokens over on pulse.

2022-07-20   #2

Reply to #1 @dextop :

Mmmmmmm bear droppings

2022-07-20   #3

That just makes it that much more intriguing to me, not knowing and waiting for the reveal. Regardless it has be fun and very different from any other projects, I look forward to see the full potential this project can have in the future especially after game 1 locking you in to reading over ever aspect of it.

2022-07-21   #4

Reply to #3 @hexhastings :

✅ thanks for noticing.

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